Monday, February 5
Grade 8 – Morning drop off at Elementary Campus for PE
Prayer Club at Lunch
2:50 – 4:00 pm – Homework Club
3 – 4:00 pm – Chess Club
7 pm – LEST Pre-departure Zoom meeting
Tuesday, February 6
Newsletter Club @ lunch
Wednesday, February 7
Grade 6A – Morning drop off at Elementary School for PE
The Well at Lunch
Thursday, February 8
3 – 4 pm Robotic Club
Friday, February 9
2024/2025 Re-Enrolment CLOSES
Hot Lunch
Looking Ahead…
Monday, February 12
Grade 8 – Morning drop off at Elementary Campus for PE
The Well at Lunch
2:50 – 4:00 pm – Homework Club
3:00 – 4:00 pm – Chess Club
Tuesday, February 13
Newsletter Club @ lunch
Wednesday, February 14
Middle School at LEST – Tacoma USA
Morning drop off – Everyone is to be dropped off at the Middle School at the regular time
11:30 am – Departure from Middle School
Students who are not at LEST will have regular classesÂ
Thursday, February 15
Middle School at LEST – Tacoma USA
Students who are not at LEST will have regular classesÂ
Friday, February 16
Middle School at LEST – Tacoma USA
Students who are not at LEST will have regular classes
LEST Pre-departure meeting
We will be hosting LEST Pre-departure meeting today February 5 at 7 pm on Zoom.Â
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 614 3434 3077
Passcode: Hope
2024-25 Re-enrolment Period for Current Families
Re-enrolment for our current school families for the 2024-2025 school year is now open and will close on Friday, February 9. An email was sent out on January 26 with the 2024-25 Re-enrolment forms. Please review all the forms closely.Â
This is an important time for the school community as this sets the framework for what classes will look like for the 2024-25 school year. We thank you for the attention and promptness you will put in your response during this re-enrolment period.
Bursary Gala Fundraiser – Giving to Transform Lives
Has Hope made a difference in your family, in the life of your child? We want all families to be able to experience the same education and community that you have experienced here at Hope Lutheran Christian School, regardless of their financial circumstances. Â
You can make a difference in the life of another family by attending our Bursary Fundraising Gala. The date has been saved in your calendar – Saturday, February 24th at 6:30 pm – now it’s time to purchase your tickets. Register your tickets and make your cash payment at either campus office. Â
Join us for a Lunar New Year-themed dinner and entertainment from our own Hope Community.
Candy-grams Fundraiser
Candygrams will be distributed on February 12th or 13th as many of our Middle School students are leaving for LEST on February 14th.
Thank you for supporting the Gr. 5 students as they prepare for their Gr. 5 celebration at the end of the school year.
World Scholar’s Cup 2024
After a record number of students from Hope joined last year, we are now inviting sign-ups for this coming World Scholars Cup which will be held on April 20-21. All Grade 5, 6, 7, and 8’s are invited to participate. For more information and sign-up please click on this link: World Scholar’s Cup.
Technical Issues Affecting Email
Please note that on January 30 & January 31 the school experienced an e-mail system outage. As such, some emails that were sent to and from the school may not have gone through on those days.Â
As we are in the 2024-25 Re-enrolment period, we are aware that this may have affected re-enrolment forms sent using the electronic submission option during this time frame.Â
If you sent an email on Tuesday or Wednesday, January 30 or 31, but have not heard back, we encourage you to follow up to see if your message was received.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Badminton Extra lessons/Tryouts
As we approach closer to the CESS tournament on April 24th, I wanted to offer some extra lessons to better prepare a team. In doing so, I have opted to conduct a match-play scenario for the students to experience the real-life ups and downs of sports competitions. Similar to previous years, so far the students appear to be taking this path in qualifying for the team quite seriously, and all have heightened their level of focus, play, and enthusiasm regardless of the result.Â
Although these months are geared towards building a team for CESS, my philosophy has always been promoting this sport to allow the students to learn and play for a lifetime of great health and enjoyment. Regardless if your child has registered or not during this regular season, this is open to all middle students, and I invite all those who want to take on this experience to sign up on the Google sheet.
There are limited dates of availability, and I will do what I can to include all the students to further learn new skills and experience this exciting vesting process. Simply input your student’s name and show up! You may join on any one or all of the times available, but please take note of any possible cancellations. Â
There are no fees for the events on these dates.Â
Google Sheet SignUp:Â
Used-Book Sale – February 28th
Are you looking for some new books to read? Class 3A is holding a used book sale after school on Wednesday, February 28th in the gym at the elementary campus! All funds raised will go to helping our school library to buy new books. We are inviting all students in all grades to check if they have unused books in good condition at home and to consider donating them to this initiative. If you have any books at home that you don’t want anymore, please send them to the gr. 3A classroom (room 209 at the elementary campus) by February 21st. Thank you so much, and don’t forget to drop by the gym after school on the 28th to get some new reads!
Chapel Offerings January – March 2024
Last term, through our chapel offering, we were able to donate $900 to the BC Mission Boat. This term (Jan – Mar), we are collecting offerings for the Union Gospel Mission. We will continue to collect money at our chapel times along with other items that this ministry has great need of. Students/families are invited to bring the following items, which UGM shared as being their greatest need: New adult socks, New Adult underwear, cans of ground coffee, and toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, etc).
Parent Prayer
You are welcome to join other parents and our school administration to pray (even if you’ve never prayed before!). Please consider setting aside 30 minutes of your time at the beginning of each week to join us for Parent Prayer as we pray for our school, families, and community.We meet in the chapel at the Elementary Campus.Every Monday from 8:45 – 9:15 am (except for holidays).
PTL News
Volunteering Opportunities
1. February 24th is our Bursary Gala Fundraiser. We need 2 more parent volunteers to help us during the evening. Please email Lisa Klym at to assist.
2. At-home or At-Hope work Volunteer Opportunity! Cutting of reward stickers and sorting, on an occasional basis. Applicant can reach me at Â
3. Other Opportunities Click here: 2023-2024 Volunteer Opportunities Page
Family Bowling Night Update
Thank you to PoCo Bowl for hosting our Family Bowling Night! We had a great time of “old-fashioned” bowling as they experienced some computer difficulties. We are very appreciative that PoCo Bowl generously donated our bowling experience! Look for another family bowling event in the spring as we support this family-run PoCo business and have fun with our families and as a community at the same time.
PTL Coffee Fellowship
Join us this Friday morning, 8:30 at the elementary campus for a time of coffee, home-baked treats and fellowship. All parents are welcome.
Community Relations
Submissions are open for the March newsletter. If you have an achievement to celebrate or a story to share, please let us know. Perhaps your family will be involved in a service project or you have another plan to show some kindness during our 12-day challenge – we’d love to showcase that! Â
Submissions to Lisa Klym at . The deadline for the March newsletter is Wednesday, February 28th.Â
Kindness Challenge
The smallest act of kindness can change someone’s entire day! It can come from anyone at any time. And, it’s the little things that can mean so much. Kindness is a gift that everyone can afford.
From February 5-16, we are having our annual 12-day Intentional Acts of Kindness Challenge. Â
The smallest act of kindness can change someone’s entire day! It can come from anyone at any time. And, it’s the little things that can mean so much. Kindness is a gift that everyone can afford.
Starting today, until February 16th, we are having our annual 12-day Intentional Acts of Kindness Challenge. Â
Families, what you can do to show kindness and Be the Light to our greater community. If you plan for a service project, please let me know so I can share with our Hope Community and highlight it in the newsletter.
Each day during our challenge, everyone is encouraged to intentionally perform an act of kindness. It could be something as simple as holding the door open for the next person or taking time to thank someone who offered assistance.  Â
For those MS students attending LEST kindness doesn’t stop at the border. Parents, your children can be intentional about recognising and thanking the hotel staff, food servers, and drivers, etc. wherever they go.
Inspire others – let us know what you’re doing to be the light and spread kindness! Share your inspiring stories and ideas for kindness: . Your story could be in the March edition of The Hope Herald.
May Day Parade Participation
As a way of promoting our school, we are entering Port Coquitlam’s 101st May Day Parade as a walking group. We’d like to gauge the interest of our families ahead of the parade date so we can adequately plan. Please indicate in this Parade Participation Form if your child/family would like to participate in our walking group and represent our school. Parents and students will be expected to walk the 1.5km parade route and help with handing out promotional packages to families with young children.
Parent participation hours will be given to those parents who supervise and participate along the parade route.
Any questions, please contact Lisa Klym at . Â
Hope Lutheran Junior Youth
Junior Youth is a ministry of Hope Lutheran Church for students in Grades 5 – 8, connecting students with Jesus and one another.Â
Join our mailing list by clicking here to receive updates about our events.
Youth is happening this Saturday, Feb 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm @ Hope Lutheran Church. See you then!
Please graciously fill out our waiver form if you plan to bring your youth to one of our events (if you have previously submitted, please ignore 🙂 Thank you in advance.Â
Have questions? Please email Daniel ()