Monday, February 26
Grade 8 – Morning drop off at Elementary Campus for PE
Prayer Club at Lunch
2:50 – 4:00 pm – Homework Club
Tuesday, February 27
Newsletter Club @ lunch
Wednesday, February 28
The Well at Lunch
Pink Shirt Day
3 – 5:00 pm – Used Book Sale at Elementary School
Thursday, February 29
Student-Led Conferences – NO SCHOOL IN SESSION
1 – 5:00 pm – Student-Led Conferences
6 – 8:00 pm – Student-Led Conferences
Bake Sale – Grade 8 Graduation Fundraiser
Friday, March 1
Looking Ahead…
Monday, March 4
Grade 8 – Morning drop off at Elementary Campus for PE
Prayer Club at Lunch
2:50 – 4:00 pm – Homework Club
2:50 – 4:00 pm – Debate Club
Tuesday, March 5
Newsletter Club @ lunch
Wednesday, March 6
The Well at Lunch
Thursday, March 7
Friday, March 8
Hot Lunch
Volunteering Opportunities
1. Middle School – Dinner Provisions for Student-Led Conferences Feb 29th, Thursday
2. The KM Club is looking for up to 4 parent volunteers to prepare the wristbands for the upcoming Spring KM Club. We will be meeting at the library on March 8 at 8:45 am, right after drop-off and we will need approx 2h of time. Interested volunteers, please reach out to Maik Hassel at 604.315.8446 or
3. Bake Sale – Grade 8 Graduation Fundraiser
The Grade 8 class is hosting a Graduation Fundraiser bake sale this coming Thursday, February 29th, during student-led conferences, and WE NEED YOUR HELP!
We are in need of a few more volunteers to help bake goodies and also manage the bake sale tables during the day. We are setting up tables at BOTH campuses, from 1-5pm and 6-8pm, and we would be so grateful for your consideration to help! All hours volunteered can be counted towards Parent Volunteer Hours for this term.
Please find the three sign-up links below: one for baked goods and two links for signing up to volunteer time (at both campuses).
Thank you so much, and please email any questions to Tina at
Set up and sell baked goods at the ELEMENTARY Campus
Set up and sell baked goods at the MIDDLE SCHOOL Campus
4. Other Opportunities Click here: 2023-2024 Volunteer Opportunities Page
Student Led Conferences
This Thursday, February 29, there will be no school in session, to accommodate our Student Led Conferences. This is a formal reporting time, where our students will be sharing about their learning progress thus far this year. Conferences will run from 1:00 – 5:00 pm and 6:00 – 8:00 pm. There is no need to book/reserve a time. You may come to the classroom with your child and they will share with you items they have prepared ahead of time with their teacher’s guidance to showcase their progress.
Pink Shirt Day – February 28th
This Wednesday we invite our students and staff to wear pink instead of their uniform. There is no charge for this dress down day. This is an annual event against bullying, held in Canada and New Zealand. Students will have opportunities to learn more about ways we can be kind, respectful and encouraging to all the people we come in contact with.
Used-Book Sale – February 28th
Are you looking for some new books to read? Class 3A is holding a used book sale after school on Wednesday, February 28th in the gym at the elementary campus! All funds raised will go to helping our school library to buy new books.Thank you so much, and don’t forget to drop by the gym after school on the 28th to get some new reads!
2023 Tuition & Donation Receipts
Hope Lutheran Christian School 2023 tuition and donation receipts were sent out by the school office via email.
Bake Sale – Grade 8 Graduation Fundraiser
There will be a Bake Sale during Student-Led Conferences on February 29th at both campuses! 1:00 – 5:00 pm & 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Please bring CASH for baked goods and come support our Grade 8 Graduation Fundraiser. Thank you! Any questions? Email Tina at
Dough Raiser fundraiser with Cobs Bread
Are you looking to purchase bread or treats from Cobs Bread (the Oxford location)? Anyone who buys something at the Oxford Cobs Bread location just has to say they are a part of Hope Lutheran Christian School and 5% of their total transaction gets put aside for our school. This is an ongoing fundraiser until the end of the school year.
Chapel Offerings January – March 2024
Last term, through our chapel offering, we were able to donate $900 to the BC Mission Boat. This term (Jan – Mar), we are collecting offerings for the Union Gospel Mission. We will continue to collect money at our chapel times along with other items that this ministry has great need of. Students/families are invited to bring the following items, which UGM shared as being their greatest need: New adult socks, New Adult underwear, cans of ground coffee, and toiletries (toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, etc).
Parent Prayer
You are welcome to join other parents and our school administration to pray (even if you’ve never prayed before!). Please consider setting aside 30 minutes of your time at the beginning of each week to join us for Parent Prayer as we pray for our school, families, and community.We meet in the chapel at the Elementary Campus.Every Monday from 8:45 – 9:15 am (except for holidays).
Badminton Extra lessons/Tryouts
As we approach closer to the CESS tournament on April 24th, I wanted to offer some extra lessons to better prepare a team. In doing so, I have opted to conduct a match-play scenario for the students to experience the real-life ups and downs of sports competitions. Similar to previous years, so far the students appear to be taking this path in qualifying for the team quite seriously, and all have heightened their level of focus, play, and enthusiasm regardless of the result.
Although these months are geared towards building a team for CESS, my philosophy has always been promoting this sport to allow the students to learn and play for a lifetime of great health and enjoyment. Regardless if your child has registered or not during this regular season, this is open to all middle students, and I invite all those who want to take on this experience to sign up on the Google sheet.
There are limited dates of availability, and I will do what I can to include all the students to further learn new skills and experience this exciting vesting process. Simply input your student’s name and show up! You may join on any one or all of the times available, but please take note of any possible cancellations.
There are no fees for the events on these dates.
Google Sheet SignUp:
Tri-Cities Junior Blitz-3 Chess Tournament
Registration for the Tri-Cities Junior Blitz-3 Chess Tournament is now open! Limited seating is available at the tournament so please register early. To register, please visit:
For the discounted price, enter code FVCA10 at the checkout
Have any questions or feedback? Please email or
Middle School Chess Announcement
The following results are for the LEST CHESS tournament, additionally, the Chess Club at the Middle School has ended for the season.
LEST Chess School Teams:
- Prince of Peace
- Hope Lutheran Christian School ( Port Coquitlam)
- Zion Corvallis (By Tie Breaker)
- St John’s (By Tie Breaker
Grade 6
Third place: Karthikeya Alahri – Hope PC
Grade 7
First place: Jayden Leung – Hope PC
Grade 8
Second place: Matthew Hooper – Hope PC
PTL News
Community Relations
Bursary Gala Fundraiser – Giving to Transform Lives
A HUGE thanks to those who have donated to our Bursary Fund. We’re only $9,000 away from reaching our goal. Can you help us reach the $50,000 mark?
Donate either a one-time or a monthly gift today towards our Bursary Fund.
Submissions are open for the April newsletter. If you have an achievement to celebrate or a story to share, please let us know.
Submissions to Lisa Klym at Deadline for the April newsletter is Friday, March 29th.
Used Uniform Sale
A used uniform sale will be held during our coffee fellowship time at the Elementary Campus on Friday, March 8th and many pieces will be available for purchase. Those wishing to sell, please inform Lisa at
Parents, please take this time to go through your child’s uniform pieces to ensure a good fit, including proper pant length. Grades 6-8 Uniform Policy
Hope Lutheran Junior Youth
Junior Youth is a ministry of Hope Lutheran Church for students in Grades 5 – 8, connecting students with Jesus and one another.
Join our mailing list by clicking here to receive updates about our events.
JR Youth is back this week Saturday, March 2nd from 6:30 – 8:30 pm at Hope Lutheran’s Elementary campus.
Have questions? Please email Daniel (
Blessings to you and your family from the Junior Youth Ministry Team!