We are proud to announce our new bursary program, designed to make our exceptional education accessible to families with limited financial means. The Bursary is made possible through the generous donations of our supporters and families. HLCS does not receive government funding for financial aid, which makes this program entirely maintained by the school and our faithful donors.
“The Bursary is made possible through the generous donations of our supporters and families. ”
We believe
At Hope Lutheran Christian School, we believe that every child deserves an education that nurtures their mind, heart, and soul. Our bursary program is a reflection of that belief, offering financial assistance to families who demonstrate financial need.
Our bursary program is open to students from kindergarten to grade 8. We encourage families who are struggling with the financial cost of private education to apply for our program. Our bursaries are awarded based on demonstrated financial need and are available based on the level of funding available. Our bursary is funded entirely by our school and community donors.
We invest
At Hope Lutheran Christian School, we believe that investing in education is investing in the future. We are pleased to be able to offer our new bursary program to help families overcome financial obstacles and give their children the gift of an exceptional Christian education.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I apply for the bursary?
We strongly recommend that you first make an application for admission, stating your intention to apply for the bursary fund. Applicants must first satisfy the normal requirements for admission. Once an offer of placement has been confirmed, applicants will make a bursary application through a financial aid service used by the school called FAST. Results of the bursary application will be determined by the Bursary Committee based on the level of need identified on the independent FAST report.
Should I apply for admission first or apply for bursary first to find out if I qualify before making an application for admission?
The application for admission is different from the application for bursary. The application for bursary is through a third-party online service called FAST, which requires applicants to provide and submit financial and tax information to determine their level of need for assistance. The cost for FAST is $53 USD paid by the applicant family regardless of the number of children applying. It is recommended that applicants first apply for admission and be offered a placement before applying for the bursary. Once an applicant has been offered a placement, we would send them the link to FAST for the bursary application, if requested.
How much can I expect from the bursary?
This depends on the household financial situation and the level of need, as determined by the FAST report.
What do I need to provide to FAST and how does it work?
- Tax return information (Notice of assessments from current or previous year)
- T4’s and other income documents
- personal financial data (debt/mortgage/asset/investment)
FAST will collect and calculate approximately how much a family would be able to afford of our tuition rate (with reasonable allowances for expenses) and, if there is a gap, it will recommend an award based on that.
When will I know my bursary results?
If a placement offer for the upcoming September has been secured, and the family has submitted their bursary application by mid March, we would expect to have the bursary results between April and May. For partial year requests, the timing may vary from 1-2 months after all financial information required has been submitted.
Will I get a bursary every year?
Bursaries are applied for annually. Existing bursary recipients would reapply through FAST each spring, as part of their re-enrolment process. Priority will be given to existing bursary recipients who reapply, based on the demonstration of continued financial need, as determined from the FAST report. Awards are based on the availability of monies in the Bursary Fund annually, which is entirely donor supported.