Monday, December 2
Grade 7A – Morning Drop Off at Elementary School
Grade 8 – Morning Drop Off at Elementary School
3 – 4:00 pm – Homework Club
3 – 4:00 pm – Drop in Chess Club
3:15 – 4:15 pm – Girls Basketball Practice at Elementary School
Tuesday, December 3
Newsletter Club at Lunch
3:15 – 4:15 pm – Robotics Club – Cancelled Today
Wednesday, December 4
7:30 – 8:20 am – Optional Girls Basket Ball Practice
Grade 7A – Morning Drop Off at Elementary School
Grade 8 – Morning Drop Off at Elementary School
The Well at Lunch – Pizza Day
3 – 4:00 pm – Homework Club
3 – 4:00 pm – Drop in Chess Club
3:15 – 4:15 pm – Grade 8 Boys Basketball Practice at Elementary
Thursday, December 5
3:15 – 4:15 pm – Girls Basketball Practice at Elementary School
Friday, December 6
9:05 am Late Start(supervision taking place from 8:30 am outside at the Elementary School)
9:15 am K – gr.8 Chapel (taking place in the Chapel at the Elementary School)
Hot Lunch
Looking Ahead…
Monday, December 9
Grade 7A – Morning Drop Off at Elementary School
Grade 8 – Morning Drop Off at Elementary School
3 – 4:00 pm – Homework Club
3 – 4:00 pm – Drop in Chess Club
3:15 – 4:15 pm – Girls Basketball Game at Kway Middle School
Tuesday, December 10
Newsletter Club at Lunch
3:15 – 4:15 pm – Robotics Club
Wednesday, December 11
7:30 – 8:20 am – Optional Girls Basket Ball Practice
Grade 7A – Morning Drop Off at Elementary School
Grade 8 – Morning Drop Off at Elementary School
The Well at Lunch
3 – 4:00 pm – Homework Club
3 – 4:00 pm – Drop in Chess Club
3:15 – 4:15 am – Boy’s Basketball Practice at Elementary School
Thursday, December 12
3:15 – 4:15 pm – Girls Basketball Practice at Elementary School
Friday, December 13
9:05 am Late Start(supervision taking place from 8:30 am outside at the Elementary School)
9:15 am K – gr.8 Chapel (taking place in the Chapel at the Elementary School)
Hot Lunch
Christmas Concert Dates
Our students are gearing up and practicing in preparation for our Christmas Concert events on December 17 and 18th.
- On Tuesday, December 17th: Grades KA, 1A, 1B, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, and 7A will be performing.
- On Wednesday, December 18th: Grades KB, 2, 3B, 4B, 5B, 6/7B, and 8 will be performing.
The performance will begin both nights at 6:30 pm. The doors will open at 6:15 pm for students to go to their classrooms, while guests can begin finding seating in the sanctuary. At the end of the evening, parents will need to sign out their child from the classroom. Classroom teachers will be communicating with parents on what students are expected to wear for their performance.
Christmas Concert Practice – Morning Drop-Off
On December 16, the Middle School students are required to be dropped off at the Elementary School for the Christmas Concert practice. Students need to bring their musical instruments.
Term 1 Reports Issued – Wednesday, December 4
Term 1 reports will be going home with all students on Wednesday, December 4. Please sign and date the green slip, and return with the envelope, to your classroom teacher next week (December 9 – 13).
2025 LEST WhatsApp Contact Form
Mr. Shutsa will be creating a WhatsApp LEST contact for the LEST trip.
This will be an announcement group where you will be unable to post, but be able to receive the nightly updates and a few photos along the way! Please provide your contact information if you would like to be on this group.
Please fill in this form by Dec. 19, 2024, at 5 pm
Dough Raiser Fundraiser With Cobs Bread
Are you looking to purchase bread or treats from the Oxford location of Cobs Bread? Anyone who buys something at the Oxford Cobs Bread location just has to say they are a part of Hope Lutheran Christian School and 5% of their total transaction gets put aside for our school. This is an ongoing fundraiser.
Nov. 14, 2024, PTL Meeting Minutes
Attending PTL meetings is a great way to connect with the rest of the school community and stay in the loop of important PTL events. The PTL Meeting Minutes Nov 14-24 is ready for your review. If you would like to access the meeting recording, please kindly send your request to .
Community Relations News
Parent Prayer
You are invited and welcome to join other parents and our school administration to pray (even if you’ve never prayed before!). Please consider setting aside 30 minutes of your time at the beginning of each week to join us for Parent Prayer as we pray for our school, families, and community.
We meet at the Elementary Campus every Monday from 8:45 – 9:15 am (except for holidays).
Christmas Food Hamper Collection Drive
Our annual collection to meet the needs of those in our own Hope community and beyond is now in progress. This year we are collecting food and household items to bless 4 families. Christmas-wrapped boxes are at both campus offices for your unopened food items (ensure not past best before date) and household goods. The collection runs until Weds., Dec. 11th.
Our Recipient Families have also identified some specific items they need. Please view this list for specific items you can bless these families with.
Other items that can be included are:
- granola bars
- ramen
- canned meat (tuna, salmon, and chicken)
- Christmas candy/chocolates/cookies
- seaweed snacks
- pasta & sauces
- whole grain cereals
- boxed crackers
- canned soups
Contributions are voluntary; participation hours are not given for these donations.
Thank you for your help & support.
Submissions are open for the January newsletter. How are you impacting your world, will you be involved in any volunteering efforts over the Christmas holidays? Do you have a special achievement to feature in our Kudos Korner? Share your story with us. Submissions for the Newsletter to .
Hope Lutheran Church Happenings
Hope Lutheran Junior Youth
Junior Youth is a ministry of Hope Lutheran Church for students in Grades 5 – 8, connecting students with Jesus and one another.
Have questions? Please email Daniel ()
Blessings to you and your family from the Junior Youth Ministry Team!
Hope Lutheran Church (HLC) Welcomes You
As you start a new school year at Hope Lutheran Christian School, you might be considering finding a home church for you and your family. Hope Lutheran Church gathers every Sunday, 10:00 am and many other activities happen through the week, including Youth and Young adults groups. Adding to that, Pastor Lucas is in the office and around the school every week, as his kids also attend Hope Lutheran Christian School. You are free to talk with him at any time, he will be happy to share more about the teaching and the life of the Church. If you’re looking for a church home, give Hope a try! We look forward to welcoming you and your family into the HLC community.